In 2014 I helped a Dallas-based web agency migrate two of their client’s web portals (MMHCA and NJCA) from Joomla version 1.5 to 3.1.1
The migration from Joomla! 1.5 to 3.x is a major migration. Although there are few extensions that can help with migrating some type of the content, there is no simple way to migrate the installation and the structure due to the many changes in features and database tables between these two versions. In addition many if the extensions that have been used with the 1.5 version have been discontinued and we needed to find an alternative solution. The migration started by installing a fresh version of Joomla 3.1 then migrating the content manually.
The new websites are based on a customized version of Rockettheme templates and the following extensions: Community Builder (for managing users and access), CB Subscriptions (for managing membership payments, CIVI Events (for managing events scheduling and payment), CIVI Contributions (for managing donations), AcyMailing (for managing newsletters), DOCman (for managing documents and downloadable material). The primary goal was to create a clean version of the portal based on trusted and powerful open source solutions.
MMHCA: Missouri Mental Health Counselors Association NJCA: New Jersey Counseling Association